Author Archive
Financial Domination, Erotic Humiliation and Stuff
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning here. I’m just finishing my coffee and uploading a few pics of recent offerings I’ve received. Gotta go out for a ride after this…maybe a jog? I’ve been slacking in that department ever since I came back from my weekend at the shore. Im going to watermark all the pics […]
And oh yeah….
The first thing I want is on the DVD List – the Sopranos Season 6 Part One & Two. I think Two is still a pre-order.
Protected: Foot Worship Paradise
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Protected: Footboys Delight – Shoe Fetish Extravaganze
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Protected: CRAIG’S FOLLY
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Ode to My Perfection
Got this in My PM’s while I was doing some web work tonight. True devotees can make this their evening meditation. dreamingofLeesa: My regards, respect and sincere adoration…… Most High Diva Goddess Leesa. dreamingofLeesa: Goddess I am your bottom bitch dreamingofLeesa: not yet worthy enough to lick the bottoms of your shoes. GODdess: mmhm dreamingofLeesa: […]
Protected: Post-Christmas Rush
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Protected: The story behind the picture.
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My Other Femdom Blog
I have another femdom blog over on Yahoo 360. I tried to pull the RSS feed over here on this one, but their RSS is jacked up. My LiveJournal posts imported just fine, but the Yahoo stuff didn’t. So go here and check out some more musings from an every day kind of Goddess.
Protected: slave brian – Money Slave Wannabe, Weak & Broken
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