Author Archive
Financial Femme Fatale Foments Misery
For the Enjoyment of You Financial Domination Voyeurs – Here’s some Vicarious Misery for You to errr, wank to, I guess. Woman ‘marries soldiers, steals life savings’ 06:30 AEST Thu May 27 2010 US police have stepped up their hunt for a woman accused of marrying 11 servicemen so she could steal their life savings. […]
Random Goddess Leesa for 2010-05-30
Y!:I'm soooo tired. If you call me, do not bore me cuz I will just fall asleep # Y!:Made cuckeddie a four time loser before I was done with my coffee LOL who is going be lunch? # Y!:Time for a buble bath now mmmmmm # Y!:Here for a little bit… # Y!:Let's have a […]
Oh Noes, it’s the Blackmail Virus! Japanese Haxorz Own & Financial Domme You
Oh Noes, it’s the Blackmail Virus! Japanese Haxorz Own You & Financial Domme You Ok, I want this and I am jealous I didn’t think of it first. Porn virus publishes web history of victims on the net lol Imagine? You come to my site and there’s a “Download” button for hot sexxxy dominant photos […]
Random Goddess Leesa for 2010-05-23
Y!:Ok, I'm up – lol up at 11 but coffee is just now kicking in! # Y!:RT @ToureX Sarah Palin: "We're all Arizonans now." Uh, I'm a New Yorker. We're down with diversity and rights and reading and stuff. # Y!:Beggin to be blogged @ ? Stay tuned..I might be you I write about today! […]
Random Goddess Leesa for 2010-05-16
Y!:Caramel macchiato – made on my very own coffee bar – YUM better than SBUX you betcha # Y!:Mothers Day should be about WORSHIPPING the very ESSENCE of femininity Worship a woman today! # Y!:Not feeling the sisterhood with Justice Kagan gimme a white male radical lib over a centrist gay woman any day # […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-13
Y!:Be careful what you wish for # Y!:As an early adapter of Facebook hatred, three cheers for these guys – # RT: @Melhi: Another Wordsy Pagey Thing #PalinsNewBookTitle # Y!:Niteflirt is on… #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-12
10 more reasons to HATE & AVOID Facebook # The CIA uses the term "factbook" for their reference reports & "Facebook" is the name for the manufactured consent "social spying" network # # Permanently delete (not just deactivate) your FB account # lol RT: @jeremyscahill: and someone who looks like a fake […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-11
Y!:Not feeling the sisterhood with Justice Kagan gimme a white male radical lib over a centrist gay woman any day # RT@maymaym @raxvulpine Btw Microsoft, Facebook & Google I trust not putting my docs online//Honestly, fuck the cloud I heart my hard drive # Y!:pgbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbpgbpgbpgb # Y!:99 problems tonight – Is it mercury retrograde where […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-10
Y!:Caramel macchiato – made on my very own coffee bar – YUM better than SBUX you betcha # Y!:Mothers Day should be about WORSHIPPING the very ESSENCE of femininity Worship a woman today! #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-09
Y!:Where's my money pak? You know who you are.. # Y!:Just found out I can also add moneypaks to my Rush Card awesomeness giving PP my SS would suck # Y!:And I ask again…where is my MoneyPak this shall remain my Yahoo custom msg for a while # RT @mashable Betty White’s SNL Monologue Blasts […]