Author Archive
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-08
Y!:mmmm think its time for a nice glass of wine # I just ate the most delicious orange the inside was almost pink like a grapefruit #foodissensual # FF followfriday @GoddessLycia @Blonde_ism @Princess_lyne @ThickDame #ff # This is SOOO gushing fangirl of me but @JohnLeguizamo you're are SOOO fukkin hot # New Millenium remixes @JohnLeguizamo […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-07
HUMAN TRAFFICKING ALARMISTS ON THE LEFT CRUSADE AGAINST CRAIGSLIST Censorship SUCKS no matter who does it # Everyone in the sex biz is not a "slave" the majority arent we as women should be crusading against archaic laws that criminalize sex work # Not generalizing and whining about "trafficking" # RT@cdashiell We didn't start […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-05
Y!:Overdue for a shopping spree! Let's have some Amazon GCs #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-01
@_Goddess_Lilith I'm glad you liked it 😀 in reply to _Goddess_Lilith # Hmmm Im thinking of incorporating some serious boxing into my workouts Imma add a heavy bag to my wishlist…a human one? LOL nahhhhhh #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-27
Y!:j will bleed green for me…its our anniversary! #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-26
Y!:I want to hurt you, I want to see you cry #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-24
…and it wasnt your all-American playboy mag sucknfuck porn either it was cuckold, tg and other more exotic flavors. oh the humanity! # Y!:My Talksugar line is reactivated – # Y!:My Talksugar line is reactivated – I'll be on tonite # New Talksugar line # Art: Landscapes of the Sacred Feminine Meditate […]
Fuck You Pay Me Or
….don’t try to make your problems, my problems. Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. Want to serve? Then, MAKE IT WORK my little servants, make it work. DO NOT call me or email me and tell me your “troubles” I do not want to hear why you […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-20
Y!:Aw credit card maxed out? Fuck you, payme. #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-18
Y!:NEW fresh faces! 15 Dommes & fetish girls added to my toplist this week #niteflirt # @celinawetdreams lol! Oh. I was watching the reruns on Oxygen. I have not caught the new season. Is Tyson Beckford on? I may have to check.. in reply to celinawetdreams # Y!:New blog post – forced liberalism fetish […]