Author Archive
Forced Liberalism Fetish
I was recently involved in a discussion with other dommes about my forced liberalism “fetish” re-education program and how I developed it. I thought my readers and supplicants would enjoy reading about it, and it would help re-enforce your programming, so here you go. Going back to 2006 – 2007 many of us were celebrating […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-17
Y!:Mmmmm nice credit card pillage last night – who's next? I'll be around tonight 😀 and even this afternoon, sluts http://superiorfemale.c #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-12
Y!:Register for my blog & get email updates! #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-11
ANTM is on while I code & tweak – Tyson Beckford you are a hottie! And I am going for a walk in the sunshine shortly #
Chivalry is MY birthright, not a handicap, Feministing
Okay, feministing, this is where I part ways with you. We are definitely gonna have to agree to disagree on this issue – Feministing: Mandating Chivalry is Mandating SexismThey captioned this photo with “Okay, NOW you HAVE to make me dinner”. ORLY? Haha, no, Feministing, he has to let me walk on his coat to […]
Ten Ways to Torment Your Lover or Every Vanilla Girlfriend is a Cruel Femdom at Heart
I read this article at this morning and I got some sadistic pleasure from knowing that even vanilla girls know how to be cruel. This was almost like softcore porn for me today – Top 10 Cruel Things Women Do To Men
Femdom TV – New Pinesol Commercial Rocks
Here’s my new favorite television commercial on YouTube. Come to think of it, it’s my only favorite television commercial.
What it’s like to serve Goddess Leesa
It all started one night while surfing the web. He came across one of those call centers that had a smorgasbord of choices – women home alone, fem dommes, mistresses, spanking, college coeds, fetishes and more. As he clicked on the site, there were millions more choices – blondes, redheads, older, younger. Mitch always seemed to migrate towards the dark hair and dark eyed Women. Women who could penetrate his soul with one long gaze into their eyes. These particular Women knew they held the upper hand when dealing with men, and they had crafted their individual websites to lure all those weak males to their lairs. It was at this site, and this day, where Mitch would begin his journey of submission. He just didn’t realize how far he would be going…..
Points of Contact
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Superior Female Updates!
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