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Author Archive

Independence Day

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Friday, July 4th, 2008

I’m making myself pretty scarce this weekend. I haven’t been on Niteflirt for the past two days. Not promising to turn my lines on tonight, but maybe…and I’ll be on Yahoo later for a bit. A certain boy from Mass. is way overdue for a counseling and re-education session. I’m available tonight, john, if you’re […]

slave eddie – re-ignited financial domination power exchange

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Sunday, June 29th, 2008

Just when you thought you were out – She pulled you back in. : ) Frightened and overwhelmed, thinking you could quit, you tried to slither away. But I’ve done my “job” so well. The images I’ve planted in your head, the obsessions I’ve triggered, the secrets I’ve extracted – stay with you always and […]

Mind Numbing Boredom

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

Ok, so I got home kind of late tonight. Was hitting the outlets with my ex-business partner, helping him with some inventory choices for summer stuff and looking for purses for myself. Got my $250 that slave-eddie owed. Came in, had dessert and a glass of wine, answered some email. Turned on my Niteflirt. DULL […]

Mind Numbing Stupidity

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

I’m sitting here enjoying my morning coffee and I actually have developed a headache from some of the really stupid shit I’m reading on the Internet this morning. Maybe this is a clue to stay off certain forums and websites eh? Oh and it’s nothing to do with messages from Yahoo or boys contacting me. […]

Financial Domination Update and Rundown

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Sunday, April 20th, 2008

I’m on my way out for a run around the park but I stopped in for an update of what’s going on with me. Woke up to a 200 dollar driveby tribute yesterday and then a nice long call with femmejunkie. YUM Went out after that, friend picked me up for some shopping. My car […]

Blog toys

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, April 17th, 2008

In case you haven’t noticed, I have these cute mini-updates posting every day in my sidebar, you can use those to keep up with what I’m doing and for IMPORTANT clues to what you should be doing. 😀 Also, if you’re a devoted reader and want to bring me along on your mobile device – […]

Waxing Poetic

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Monday, April 14th, 2008

I have four summer sundresses on the way : ) I’ll need my legs waxed this week along with my manicure/pedicure session. I’m looking forward to taking off the winter coats, although I have two cute trenches I’ve yet to wear and the transitional spring weather is just perfect for that.

Greed is good….and snobbery isn’t always bad.

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Greed is good, greed is right, greed works. – Gordon Gekko So here’s what I mean. Greed is good because greed fuels creativity (in some cases), greed fuels business and entrepreneurship, greed makes the world go round. MY greed is good because MY greed makes Me want to penetrate your mind, makes Me want to […]

Wednesday…well, now it’s Thursday.

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

My sleep cycle is even more f’d up now. I was up til 5am. (a. was with me most of the night), I was doing site updates and talking on the phone. I fell asleep for about 90 minutes on my sofa with a movie on. Something woke me up…I forget what. Some noise….my cell […]

Tuesday Night

Posted by Goddess Leesa on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

My sleep schedule is totally screwed up. I’ve been staying up late and waking up at 12 noon – 1 pm-ish. Today I slept til 2. : ( I love to burn the candle at both ends but hate sleeping thru the best of the daylight hours. Not sure what I’m gonna do yet to […]