Archive for Femdom & Goddess Worship
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-08
Y!:mmmm think its time for a nice glass of wine # I just ate the most delicious orange the inside was almost pink like a grapefruit #foodissensual # FF followfriday @GoddessLycia @Blonde_ism @Princess_lyne @ThickDame #ff # This is SOOO gushing fangirl of me but @JohnLeguizamo you're are SOOO fukkin hot # New Millenium remixes @JohnLeguizamo […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-07
HUMAN TRAFFICKING ALARMISTS ON THE LEFT CRUSADE AGAINST CRAIGSLIST Censorship SUCKS no matter who does it # Everyone in the sex biz is not a "slave" the majority arent we as women should be crusading against archaic laws that criminalize sex work # Not generalizing and whining about "trafficking" # RT@cdashiell We didn't start […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-05
Y!:Overdue for a shopping spree! Let's have some Amazon GCs #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-05-01
@_Goddess_Lilith I'm glad you liked it 😀 in reply to _Goddess_Lilith # Hmmm Im thinking of incorporating some serious boxing into my workouts Imma add a heavy bag to my wishlist…a human one? LOL nahhhhhh #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-27
Y!:j will bleed green for me…its our anniversary! #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-26
Y!:I want to hurt you, I want to see you cry #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-24
…and it wasnt your all-American playboy mag sucknfuck porn either it was cuckold, tg and other more exotic flavors. oh the humanity! # Y!:My Talksugar line is reactivated – # Y!:My Talksugar line is reactivated – I'll be on tonite # New Talksugar line # Art: Landscapes of the Sacred Feminine Meditate […]
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-20
Y!:Aw credit card maxed out? Fuck you, payme. #
Random Goddess Leesa 2010-04-18
Y!:NEW fresh faces! 15 Dommes & fetish girls added to my toplist this week #niteflirt # @celinawetdreams lol! Oh. I was watching the reruns on Oxygen. I have not caught the new season. Is Tyson Beckford on? I may have to check.. in reply to celinawetdreams # Y!:New blog post – forced liberalism fetish […]
Forced Liberalism Fetish
I was recently involved in a discussion with other dommes about my forced liberalism “fetish” re-education program and how I developed it. I thought my readers and supplicants would enjoy reading about it, and it would help re-enforce your programming, so here you go. Going back to 2006 – 2007 many of us were celebrating […]