Archive for Femdom & Goddess Worship
Goddess’s Birthday & Winter Shopping List
Had a busy night on the phone last night. So many of you shopping boys are getting in touch and have the shopping itch, it seems. With my birthday coming up in just six more days, I can definitely help you scratch that itch. Let’s take a stroll thru online shopping land and see what […]
Welcome to My Award-Winning Fetish Blog : )
I’m very flattered to be a recipient of this week’s Elite Fetish Award for excellent fetish blogging! ELITE FETISH AWARD Recognition for those sites and individuals who perform outstanding support within the BDSM/Fetish Community and for their continued efforts in keeping the Kink in Kinky! Awarded to Goddess Leesa by the lovely Mistress Chianti And […]
Some stuff I bought on my latest online shopping spree
I went a little shoe crazy with nylon pup’s last tribute. Here are some of the boxes: And the (mostly) espadrilles: My new Asics Gels for my fall workouts. I haven’t even tried them on yet, I hope they’re as good as I was told they were. Liz Claiborne tee and a jeweled neck shirt […]
Financial Domination Slanguage
1. stack paper to the ceiling The act of gratuitously making exorbitant amounts of money in a very short amount of time, thereby inciting many jealous haters to hate on you. Charles Barkley: “I don’t care how much they pay him, Ernie, this kid is a disgrace to basketball, he epitomizes everything wrong with the […]
Is Financial Domination Real?
This was interesting. For a few reasons. Interesting analysis of how the power exchange really does work in *some* interactions, anyway. Or how some males on the net would like it to work. The comment from “Byrdie” is interesting too. How inept and ineffectual “we” (some of us financial dominants and those who aspire […]
New Femdom Blog Layout!
I finally found the new layout I want for this blog! It’s sort of a similar look and feel graphically but it is a much cleaner and more spacious layout. Can’t wait to get it installed! I’m on my way to pick up my new laptop now courtesy of clueless_tony. I’ll be in setting up […]
Lovesick Nylon Pup – Summer Puppy Love or True Financial Domination Commitment?
Summer puppy love is a wonderful thing. My lovesick little nylon pup is a little obsessed, as illustrated by the screenshot below. I see us moving toward something more permanent than July’s Niteflirt drainings. I predict serious commitment for August. Serious. Like…total asset re-allocation. : ) We’re moving beyond the puppy-sub stage. You read it […]
Independence Day
I’m making myself pretty scarce this weekend. I haven’t been on Niteflirt for the past two days. Not promising to turn my lines on tonight, but maybe…and I’ll be on Yahoo later for a bit. A certain boy from Mass. is way overdue for a counseling and re-education session. I’m available tonight, john, if you’re […]
slave eddie – re-ignited financial domination power exchange
Just when you thought you were out – She pulled you back in. : ) Frightened and overwhelmed, thinking you could quit, you tried to slither away. But I’ve done my “job” so well. The images I’ve planted in your head, the obsessions I’ve triggered, the secrets I’ve extracted – stay with you always and […]
Mind Numbing Boredom
Ok, so I got home kind of late tonight. Was hitting the outlets with my ex-business partner, helping him with some inventory choices for summer stuff and looking for purses for myself. Got my $250 that slave-eddie owed. Came in, had dessert and a glass of wine, answered some email. Turned on my Niteflirt. DULL […]