Archive for Femdom & Goddess Worship
A few things I’m thankful for right now
Let's see – I'm thankful for – * loyal, smart and sexy friends * My wonderful apartment and that spectacular NYC view from my window – ok my photography skills suck especially with a webcam but hey, nice sunrise, right? * entertaining, sweet and loyal sub boys * being alive, healthy and at the top […]
Christmas whims
sephoraslave is taking care of My updated holiday Sephora list and some Macy*s items I messaged him with. The rest of these are up for grabs. If I get duplicates, I can always exchange, so no biggie. Macy*s whims
Officially “back”
Yeah, I'm officially back on Niteflirt and here in my blog. Even though I did a little checking in here & there, went on alerts & took 2 arranged calls while I was “away”. I have many things to update on here but not ready to make the big entry, I'm getting ready for a […]
Just checking in to say……..
I'm gone for tonight & most of the day tomorrow. Celebrating MY birthday & taking some ME time. Be back in full force on Friday. It's not too late to TREAT ME though. So do it!
Serious Cash Fetish
: D A boy with a pure cash fetish who joined NF 3 days ago stumbled upon my listing and has dropped over a G in paid mails since Saturday night. The cash is still flowing. Gotta love it! When I say pure cash fetish – I mean he gets off purely on PAYING the […]
Private post and voice post
I just made a private post titled “The weird twisted world of slaveeddie”. I will be fleshing that out and probably make it part of the posts that “Inner Circle” members can read. I might also make a NF button & sell access to his ongoing story as a feature on it's own. I […]
BIRTHDAY WHIMS! Cater to ME now!
If you're “in the know” you know that MY birthday is the end of this month. In keeping with the season, I'm posting this list of birthday whims and I'm expecting them to be catered to. This post will be made “sticky” at the top of MY blog until November 10th. All the buttons aren't […]
Humiliation audios just released!
My new humiliation mp3's just released! “That don't impress Me, loser” $10 miserable mikey sings a hilarious humiliation song over the phone for me while I laugh (a lot) and berate him “Sucks to be mikey”$20Includes the song above plus two other songs sung by miserable mikey and all my verbal humiliation & laughter during […]
Another bit of Charlie Sheen freakishness
I just read this in the Feministing blog feed (which I'm so glad I've subscribed to) and I thought I'd share. Unlike the writer, I actually *like* Charlie Sheen. He's nice to look at and oh-so-much fun to humiliiate – he is always doing stuff like this and I've heard stories that indicate he has […]
FUN QUIZ! What kind of sociopath are you?
I’ve participated in online discussion of financial domination where what we do is described as sociopathic Ive also seen some dommes describe themselves, proudly, as sociopaths.Not to make light of what could be a serious subject but…well…never mind, I *am* making light of it.Rather than make a serious blog post about this or start a […]